001 – Rap Music

Learning Intention

  • Explore the history of hip hop
  • Complete/Analyse original rap composition

Success Criteria

  • I can explain how the tradition of hip hop being a vehicle for sharing knowledge is not upheld as much rap we hear today
  • I have written a completed rap of 15 lines


Watch this video and then finish your poem. If you have finished your poem, please highlight the assonance, metaphor, simile, alliteration and internal rhyme.

014 – Using Quotations

‘You greasers have a different set of values.’ p.46

Who said it and to whom?

Cherry said it to Ponyboy

What is the context?

Ponyboy asks Cherry if the main difference between the socs and the greasers is money and she explain that it is more about the different rules they live by.

Rewrite the quote in your own words.

Socs and greasers live by different rules.

What does this quote show you about the difference between the two groups?

This quotes shows each social group has unwritten rules they live by and how their differences are a shaped by the different codes they live by.


‘It seemed funny to me that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunsets.’ p.50

Who said it and to whom?

Ponyboy said it to the reader.

What is the context?

Ponyboy is reflecting on his conversation with Cherry and how she was quite different to the stereoype of a soc.

Rewrite the quote in your own words

Socs and greasers live on the same planet and experience the same sunset, which makes them more similar to greasers than Ponyboy imagined.

What does the quote show you about Ponyboy’s changing belieffe about the Socs?

This quote shows that speaking to someone that seems different often reveals similarities that stereotypes often hide.


013 – English basics and sentence diagramming

English basics

  • Chapters 4-6
  • Test on Monday 20/7

Sentence Diagramming

There are 8 parts of speech in English: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and interjections. So far, we have diagrammed: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions.

  • Identify the parts of speech in th sentence from the novel: We climbed up the road to the church.
  • Write and diagram a sentence that starts with a prepositional phrase


  • Write and diagram a sentence that begins with a verb.

010 – Revision for Test, Sentence Diagramming & Look Ahead to Term Two

Warm Up

Diagram this sentence: Ginny happily cooked in the kitchen of her new house.

Learning Objectives

  1. Clarify what will be covered on Thursdays English test
  2. Practice Sentence Diagramming
  3. Explain the time line for this term


Revision: Answer for Q4

‘We are going to the beach today,’ said Mum.

‘That’s great,’ said Peter.

‘It’s such a hot day,’ said Annis. ‘I am sure I will get sun burned.’

‘You must all go and get your bathers, hats and towels,’ said Mum. ‘I will get the sunscreen and the shade tent.’

‘I am going to bring my new snorkel.’ said Peter.

‘Well, I think I will just bring a good book,’ said Annis.


English Test 

  • Next double
  • Will cover the sections of holiday homework that were detailed in an email I sent out at the end of last term
  • Will include four sentences that you will be asked to diagram
  • No notes are allowed into the test

Sentence Diagramming

Diagram the following sentences. Skip any you have done already.

Practice Sentences

Term 2


  • Essay on Edward Scissorhands
  • Creative Task on Edward Scissorhands
  • Listening Comprehension (Teen Trolley)
  • Complete English Basics Test (Chapters 5-9)
  • Sentence Diagramming Test (Chapters 4-7)

009 – Warm Up, English Basics, Sentence Diagramming

Warm Up

With Parent Teacher Interviews coming up, write a short paragraph that outlines: what you have learned in English this term; how well you have used your class time, and what you need to improve.

Learning Objectives

  • Short story review and hand in
  • English Basics
  • Sentence Diagramming


Sentence Diagramming: Adjectives, Adverbs & Prepositional Phrases


Practice Sentences

008 – Warm Up, Draft Story Feedback & English Basics

Warm up

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why? Write a paragraph.

Learning Objective

  • Understand common errors with draft of short stories
  • Understand when it is due and the format
  • continue working on English Basics (Ch.1-3)

007 – Warm Up, Finish Draft of Short Story

Warm Up

What is the rising action of a narrative and why is it so important in the relation to the climax of a story? Write a pargaph to explain your thinking. Use the notes you took last lesson to help with this.

Learning Objective

  • Understand the importance of rising action and make adjustments to your narrative according to this new understanding.
  • Focus on looks and action of character in the way you establish the personality anad emotional state of the characters in your story
  • Review Year 8 Short story Assessment Task
  • Look at the PowerPoint entitled Punctuating Direct Speech
  • Finish draft of short story



006 – Warm Up, Narrative Structure

Warm Up

Diagram the following sentences:

  1. Can you fit between the roots of this tree?
  2. I looked for the jacket in the house and the car. (Compund object of the Prepositional)

Learning Objectives

  • Review four part narrative structure: orientation, crisis, climax, resolution.
  • Review STEAL
  • Begin planning short story


View The Black Hole and see if you can identify the four part narrative structure.


005 – Sentence Diagramming, Hmk Check, Oral Presentation

Warm Up

A prepositional phrase is phrase that starts with a preposition and ends with noun. Prepositional phrases can act as adjectives or adverbs. When they act as adverbs, they modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. In this exercise, we’ll only diagram prepositional phrases that modify verbs.

Example: The rabbit hopped through the pretty garden.


  1. Has Lucy been reading at the library?
  2. I ran around the absolutely beautiful city.
  3. Those blue birds chirped endlessly into the night.
  4. The plane flew above the puffy, white clouds.
  5. Who has been sleeping in my bed?


  • Homework check
  • 15 mins final rehearsal
  • Oral presentation