Media reflection

Answer rthe following questions:

  1. Out of the all the trailers you watched, which one did you like best? Explain why in terms of production techniques.
  2. Consider the verbal feedback you recieved from the class, is there anything that you particularly agree or disagree with? Explain why you feel this way.
  3. Do you feel that this trailer is better than the short film you made? Explain your answer.


Year 9 Genre Assignment: Due: 27th October.

You are part of a team that will produce a range of information brochures. Your brochure needs to provide detailed information about one genre and a 15 step process on how to make a film.

Your brochures will help a group of Year 8 students who have been asked to create their own film trailers in one specific genre. You must create an information brochure for these students that will help them in this process.


The brochure will need to include:

-The key features and overview of one particular genre
-Key films within this genre that students can go to for inspiration
– What codes and conventions are and why a film makers needs to have a clear understanding of what they are
– What type of costumes and props the students will need to bring in and why
-What kind of sound effects and music to include during the editing phase
– What storyline is of that typical genre
– A 15 step instruction process that begins with coming up with the idea of a film and ends with the final product. Think about all of the steps involved, for example where would transferring the film to the computer come into it?
After the completion of your brochure any student should be able to pick your brochure up and able to create a trailer specific to one particular genre.


Make sure you take into consideration the assessment criteria when creating your brochure.


Criterion Allocated marks Marks awarded
1. Thorough exploration of codes and conventions in relation particular production roles. 12 marks __/12
2. Clear and accurate definition of genre, codes and conventions, mixed genre and sub genre. 5 marks __/5
3. Clear definition and explanation of a specific genre. 3 marks __/3
4. Clear fluent and original expression of thoughts and ideas. 3 marks ___/3
5. Neat, clear and engaging presentation. 2 marks ___/2













In your workbooks divide a page into three sections and label each heading with: Always, Usually & Sometimes. Under the heading ‘Always’ write what conventions are always in a film trailer. Under the ‘Usually’ heading write what is usually in most trailers and under the ‘Sometimes’ heading write what is sometimes or occasionally in trailers.

View the following trailers below:


Codes are a system of signs or symbols which are used to communicate meaning.

Conventions are the commonly accepted meaning created by the codes.

To help us understand codes and convenetions in film and genre we need to know about technical and symbolic codes.

•Technical codes: Camera techniques, framing, lighting, exposure, layout and sound.

•Symbolic codes: Objects, setting, body language, clothing, colour.

Watch this film ‘Distraxion’ and note What is the Code? What is the Convention? How does this contribute to creating the Genre?

Code: (What is it?) Convention: (What meaning does it give?) How does this enhance the Genre?
The loud thump of the files landing on his desk. The character has a great deal of work to complete. The sound is exaggerated which emphasises how much boring work the main character is stuck doing.










Genre is ‘a method of categorising texts according to type.’

The word is French and means category or type. Genre is used to create groups for many different things, such as; music, books, art and film. There are many different types of genres, some more common than others.


1) In your work books write down a number that represents how many different types of film genres you think you know.

2) In pairs brainstorm as many different types of film genres’ as possible.

3) The pair with the highest number of genres will read them out loud, if a particular genre is read out that you have on your list, place a tick next to it.

4) Were you able to beat your original estimate of how many genres you thought you knew at the beginning?

A basic list of genres:

Action,   Adventure,   Animation,   Biography,   Comedy,   Crime,   Documentary,   Drama, Experimental,   Family,   Fantasy,   Film Noir,   Historical,   Horror,   Musical,   Mystery,   Reality,   Romance,   Sci-Fi,   Thriller,   War,   Western.


Using the graphic organiser in groups of four categorise films you know into the appropriate genre. Eg. Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a horror film.




Mixed Genre:

What happens if a film fits into more than one genre?

For example a horror film set in the future may revolve around two people in love. Is this a horror, sci-fi or romance film? This is called a mixed Genre film. A Mixed Genre is where a film fits into more than one category of genre.

A word of warning about genre:

As we can see there are no solid rules for defining categories of genre. Genre’s can overlap, share characteristics and conventions, or be a mixture. There can be broad genres such drama or crime as well as genres with in the genre, these are called sub-genres. A sub genre is a category within a genre. For example there is the broad genre of crime, and then sub-genres within, such as detective-crime films, serial killer-crime films and mystery-crime films.

012 – Continue pre-production

Today we are going to continue planning of our trailers. In the groups that you worked in last lesson, trying and complete the following:

1) Create a storyboard of the first 12 shots of your trailer
2) Create a shot list for your entire trailer
3) Write a short script for your trailer
4) Write a list of props and costumes and decide who will be responsible for bringing them
5) Allocate who will act, film, be responsible for lighting be the director etc

It might help if you assign the first three tasks to different members of your group, for example: two of you could work on the script, while one of you works on the storyboard, which would leave two of you to work on the shot list.

It is expected that you have each of these things typed up or photocopied so the director has them to refer to during the production phase.

Good luck.


Last lesson you looked at what is found in movie trailers, this was in preparation for your next task. This term you are going to take everything that you have learned about genre and use it to create a trailer for a specific genre of film.

Things you need to know about this task:

  1. The trailer can be no longer than 90 secs
  2. You each need to submit an outline of the entire narrative
  3. You will be working in pre-arranged groups


  • Today: Choose genre and begin brainstorming ideas
  • Next lesson write up outline & SUBMIT BROCHURE ASSIGNMENT


Today we will be finishing off editing your short films. This task should be completed by the end of today’s class. Mr Dennis and I will work with the groups that are having trouble with the hard drives. These groups have lost some time  and you will have until the end of Monday’s lesson to finish editing.

You will also be given a reflective task that is due Thursday 7th April. Have a look over it on the weekend and if you have any questions feel free to ask Mr Dennis on Monday. This reflective task is very important for my university studies as it will allow me to understand the most effective way to teach you next term. It will also allow you to consider how you can improve the next time you make a short film or work in a group.

If you have any questions please see Mr. Dennis or I.
-Ms. Alexander


Last lesson you had a look at the raw footage from your the production stage of your project; now you need to begin to think about editing.

You should consider:

  1. Whether any shots are too long
  2. What kind of shot transitions you want to include (dissolves, cuts, etc)
  3. What sound fx and music your film needs
  4. What kind of titling you are going to create (captions, credits, title, etc)

Please sit on opposite sides of the room from the other half of your group and remember to rotate the person controlling the software when you hear me say ‘change driver.’