Installing the Evernote web clipper on iPhone and iPad

Installing the Evernote web clipper on the iPhone

  • First be sure you’ve had a look at the install steps for Instapaper via the link above so you are comfortable with the steps.

The remaining steps will be completed via the iPhone only but keep it open on your computer browser so you can continue to follow the steps.

  1. From your iPhone, go to Settings. Choose Safari > Advanced > JavaScript  and turn Javascript “On”
  2. Now, go back and select Block Cookies and set it to “Allow from Websites I Visit.”
  3. Next, launch this page via Safari on your iPhone –> (Open on your iPhone and search for the title of this post)
  4. Now copy the code below (press and hold on the code and then release; then adjust the blue overlay so it coves the entire code, and tap “Copy.”

  1. Next, click on the share icon (square with a right arrow) at the bottom of your Safari page and click “Add Bookmark.” Without making any changes, hit “Save.”
  2. Now click on the bookmark icon (open book) to pull up your bookmarks. Click “Edit” in the bottom corner of your window.
  3. Select the bookmark that you just created. Change the name from Untitled to something of your choice–perhaps ‘Evernote’ or ‘Clip to Evernote.’ Next delete the URL shown and paste the new code that you copied in step 2 and hit “Done” located in the bottom right corner.  Click “Done” located in the bottom left corner. Click “Done” located in the top right corner.

Those are all the steps! You’ve now installed the Evernote web clipper on your iPhone.

To clip a portion of a page: Highlight a section of the page that you want to clip and then hit the bookmarks button and choose your Evernote bookmark.

To clip an entire page: Hit the bookmarks button and choose your Evernote bookmark.

Note: the first time the Evernote web clipper is used, it will ask you to log in. Also, on the iPhone, the clipper appears slightly too large but it is still usable by rotating the device.

Installing the Evernote web clipper on the iPad

  • First be sure you’ve had a look at the install steps for Instapaper via the link above so you are comfortable with the steps.

The remaining steps will be completed via the iPad only but keep it open on your computer browser so you can continue to follow the steps.

  1. From your iPad, go to  Settings > Safari > Advanced > JavaScript  and turn Javascript “On”
  2. Go back on step and ensure Show Favourites Bar is set to “ON.”
  3. Go back again and make sure Block Cookies is set to “Allow from Websites I Visit.”
  4. Next, launch this page via Safari on your iPhone –> (Open on your iPhone and search for the title of this post)
  5. Now copy the code below (press and hold on the code and then release; then adjust the blue overlay so it coves the entire code, and tap “Copy.”

  1. Next, click on the share icon (square with a right arrow) at the top of your Safari page and click “Add Bookmark.” Ensure that it will be saving to the “Bookmarks Bar” and then hit “Save.”
  2. Now click on the bookmark icon (open book) to pull up your bookmarks. Click on the “Bookmarks Bar” folder. Then click “Edit” in the top corner of your window.
  3. Select the bookmark that you just created. Change the name to something of your choice–perhaps ‘Evernote’ or ‘Clip to Evernote’ Next delete the URL shown and paste the new code that you copied in step 2 (press and hold, then release, then tap “Paste.” Hit “Bookmarks Bar” located in the bottom top left corner to go back.  Click “Done” located in the top right corner. Click the bookmark icon to make it disappear.

Those are all the steps! You’ve now installed the Evernote web clipper on your iPad.

To clip a portion of a page: Highlight a section of the page that you want to clip and then hit your Evernote bookmark.

To clip an entire page: Hit your Evernote bookmark.

Note: the first time the Evernote web clipper is used, it will ask you to log in.


To help reduce stress and ensure that you’re as organised as you can be, learn more about planning and looking after yourself and about staying focused in order to be as ready for the exam as you can be.  For more information visit:



  1. Put a plus sign (+) in front of words that must be in the documents found by the search. Do not put a space between the + and the word. For example: +geese+migration or +migration+salmon+river
  2. Put a minus sign (-) in front of words that should not appear in any documents. Do not put a space between the – and the word.
  3. Use double quotation marks (” “) around words that must appear next to each other. For example: “geese migration’ or +migration+salmon+river+”spawning grounds”
  4. Capitalise proper nouns – that is names of people or places. Use lower case for all other searches
  5. Use an asterisk (*) after a word to select a range of possible endings. For example: +”bird*migration”+geese


How will I know the right search terms to use?

  • Look at your topic
  • Pick out the main words that describe your topic
  • Now think about any other ways of saying or spelling any of your words
For example, for an assignment on Eygytian clothing and make up you search:
  • ‘costume’ or ‘fashion’ instead of ‘clothing’
  • ‘cosmetics’ instead of ‘make up’
Now think about broader terms that might descrine your topic or narrower terms that might describe your topic.
For example, if an assignment was on ‘Life in Space,’ the following terms could be used:
Broader topics
solar system
Narrower topics
astronauts training
space waste

Researching a Topic

How do I get started?

The best way to begin is by brainstorming ideas and thoughts about your topic.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I know?
  • What do I need to find out?
An ideas map or ‘mindmap’ can be very useful at this stage. These maps can help you to see the connections between you thoughts and allow you to begin sorting these thoughts into related topics.
  • Mindmaps can take many shapes. The most common has branches coming out from a central title
  • Mindmaps are best on a rectangular page. This suits the way our eyes look across a page and how our minds remember
  • Mindmaps are best remembered when coloured pens and highlighters are used to show different ideas on the topic