Disabled Guy

Its a terrible thing to lose a limb, but I’ve never bothered to ask why

because what matters is learning to live with the fact that now I’M the disabled guy!

I’m getting stared at by passer by “look he’s lost a leg, I think I’d rather die”

I’m a freak and people take a peek on the sly, I walk in a room and conversation runs dry.

Sometimes fear becomes a sneer as I walk by

they can’t hide their distaste no matter how hard they try

but some smile a smile that’s wide and wry

cos they know its all about the attitude I apply

cos on the inside there’s a tragic ladder I climb to kiss the sky

so that most of the time I feel like the most high…superfly…disabled guy.

Its a helluva thing becoming disabled after 40 able bodied years

Hello. Come in. Sit down. Let me introduce you to your greatest fears.

Here’s a glass half full of laughter and here’s a glass half full of tears

and here’s a brand new rude awakening to a completely new group of peers

So after 40 formative years, I stand before you…deformed

the glorious cause, the need for me to be reborn

the same cause all the fallen hordes hope not to be in forlorn

shorn of my born adornment I stand in the dark before the dawn

wearing the sexiest NHS accessory, I’ve ever flippin worn!

So when I get on the bus and I see some young buck

sitting in the disabled seats the cheeky fuck

I stand in front of him and I say “check dis bruv”

and I slowly begin to pull my trouser leg up

then i stare at him…then i stare at my leg

then i stare at him…then i stare at my leg

then i stare at him…then i shake my head

and if looks could kill, well…he’d be dead

see i get my powers from the kids

some call me a flid, but most think i’m inspector gadget

and when they see the leg they all point and stare

and when they see the stump the little girls get scared

but my little mate Neo didn’t care

he took one look and said “Oh Yeah!

I bionic leg! Cool! I want one too!”

I’m like, “Wake up Neo, legs are best still attached to you”

See I used to think we were freaks too

we used to make me uncomfortable like we can do you

i didn’t quite know what to say or do

i didn’t wanna get caught up in any “boo hoo hoo”

but now I’m one of them and they’re one of me

and when the shoes on the other foot its amazing what you see

people dealing with agony, people dealing with tragedy

with fantastic existential majesty

people who’s physicality, is way worse than an amputee

but who’s intensity of empathy is absolutely exemplary

See disabled people tend to be

very experienced existentially

and our experience of reality

is very valuable when viewed creatively

and inspirationally

the very thing that you think you’d hate to be

may be the key, to your greatest destiny

may be the key, to your greatest testimony

it just might be, said it just might be

the perfect test to see

if you can really be, if you can really really be,

more than you were born and blessed to be

Paradox April 2011