Breakthrough hailed in quest for ‘God particle’

Rob Hastings and Katie Binns
London Independent
July 25, 2011

You wait millions of years for a God particle to come along, and then two clusters turn up at once.

Scientists in the US announced they may have detected the elusive and potentially universe-changing Higgs boson particle yesterday, just two days after rivals in Switzerland signalled that they, too, have caught their first sight of it.

The physicists working at the Fermilab facility in Illinois may not be as well known as their more illustrious competitors at the Cern Institute near Geneva, which attracted widespread media attention and predictions of an apocalypse when its Large Hadron Collider was turned on in 2008.

However, Fermilab have their own version of the $10 billion collider, known as the Tevatron, in which they are also accelerating beams of protons and antiprotons around tunnels many miles long at extreme speeds. Both teams are doing this to create high-energy collisions between the particles, which they believe should produce the mysterious Higgs boson.

Full article here


Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 25, 2011

Despite being portrayed by the media as inept due to the length of time it took them to reach the island of Utoeya, it has now emerged that police knew the name of gunman Anders Behring Breivik before they even arrested him, a startling admission that prompted one of Britain’s top news anchors to question how authorities were aware of the gunman’s identity in advance.

During his Channel 4 News broadcast on Friday evening, host Jon Snow asked “why police knew the killer’s name by the time they had arrived on the island,” reported the Telegraph live blog.

“He surrendered the moment police called his name 3 minutes after they arrived. What we don’t know is how the police knew the terrorist’s name before they arrested him,” said Snow, who is recognized as one of Britain’s most trusted news anchors, and cannot be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist”.

Snow also posed the question on his official Twitter page.

How authorities knew the gunman’s identity before his slaughter of young Norwegians on the island of Utoeya had even come to an end, and while the overwhelming speculation still centered around Islamic terrorists, is a mystery, as is the question of why the cops didn’t shoot Breivik immediately.

It’s also starkly inconsistent with the “incompetence” angle that’s been heavily pushed by the establishment media in explaining why it took over 90 minutes for police to reach the island, a gap that significantly contributed to Breivik being able to claim such a huge number of victims.

Some have speculated that Breivik may have had accomplices, and although police disregarded eyewitness accounts of multiple shooters on the island, during testimony at his court case today, Breivik admitted that he was merely one part of an organization that included at least two other “cells” who were planning future attacks.

“I believe that there were two people who were shooting,” survivor Alexander Stavdal told Norwegian VG, while other eyewitnesses reported hearing gunshots from “two different places on the island at the same time.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.