Mathematical species – know your children (Yap)

My mum was saying only recently to me that I should not go imposing my love for mathematics on my kid as he will find his own way in life and find his own interests and so on. The thing is my kid is already in a mathematical state just by definition of having a brain. What I mean is the human brain is a mathematical tool. It is a tool designed to geometrically organize itself around natures variables. For example when I decide to teach my boy the alphabet it is not just a simple case of him listening to the phonetic sounds of A B C D and repeating them back to me. His brain is wired up with concepts like consistency and sequence already, and it is because of this innate ability that all humans possess; it is precisely because he can move his mind in motion with the notion of consistency and sequence, that he will be able to download the alphabet. This is why he will be able to download numbers and shapes, and this is why he will be able to doctor his mind around any field his lovely mind finds itself in.


You all stand a better chance of bringing your kids up in a more balanced way if you all understand the tool you are dealing with. I am obviously in the learners seat when it comes to being a dad, but when it comes to understanding the mind I am dealing with I am on the ball. Writing this piece requires precision, thus consistency, thus sequence and so on. The human mind understands all knowledge around fixed positions, and to fix a position the mind has to understand geometry. This is why there is symmetry in my flow.


My kid will grow up to be whatever he wants to be, but I will help nurture his growth both physically and mentally, as will his brilliant mum, Abhijeeta. He may as well have been handed an angel in respect to where she is going to take him on this journey called life.


If he wants to be a doctor he will have to doctor the situations presented. This will be only possible because his mind is already equipped to doctor any situation it chooses to. If he wants to build houses he will learn to doctor the situations. No matter what field he chooses to walk in, he will have to doctor his mind to fit it. This means he will have to align his mind with whatever positions are necessary to know the field. And if he chooses to become a mathematician, well all he will do is arrive at his own mind dancing to the best tune of all.


I often feel I should take my time and not write without stopping to think. I could add so much more to emphasize the points Im trying to make more. At the same time you all have the ability to fil in thegaps yourself by structuring your mind around what is being said. After all you can all tune in to the sequences of my flows with consistency. Something like that – ha ha.


Know your mind for what your mind is. You are a mathematical entity. You are brilliant and beautiful and in flow with the flux of everything. Peace.

News just coming in. (Yap)

There really is no getting back on track, you do know that don’t you? I mean you have at the very least figured that out, given the wall and all the obvious averages on it. The roof was burning but now the roof is now coming down. Which part of the Titanic is sinking are you actually having trouble with? You’re already propbably thinking, who the fuck is this guy writing all this down. Who knows? What does it matter? Are you in the driving seat? Who is?

Do you really think that there are is a friendly circle of buisness elites sitting at a magic table somewhere, fixing it all dandy for you? Are you just waiting for the money to start pouring back in? Fuck dude, you are fucked. Ha.

I don’t mean to laugh, but at the same time ha ha.

Are you in the benifit seat? Is that you all the way over there on the island breathing all the clean air and absorbing all the phiosophical conversation? Or are you the one on the bar stool moaning and complaining constant? You are all moaning. Who has it good? Mums washing tolitels for Mums who never spend anytime with their kids? Who has it good? Who is in the driving seat? Stop and catch your breath for a moment and take perspective.

You have been led down a winding path. No different than the vatican leading folk down into the dark gardens of catholicism. No different than leading men down the road that oppressed their sisters. No different than convincing you that a lie detectors work. One card trick suckers. No different than teaching you that a man in a suit is a man you can trust. Look no further than the cover folks.

I have to care. Sometimes I don’t want to. I work for Ghandi and Einstien. I work for Kant and Malcolm X. I work to pull you back on track. I work to send you out posititvity. TALKING TO ALL MY NEIGBOURS.

We need to shift our entire world focus. We need to move our minds from a linear a’ posteriori compass point, to an a’ priori magnitude if we are to win. It may sound heavy but its all Zen. Join the peace army. Join your inner eye to mine. Reject all power structures. I don’t want to be the boss or the dogsbody. Tell them all that. I want to be part of the collective peaceful cooperative. Tell them that. Make an effort and become something based on standard phioosophy for your kids and yourselves.

You cooperate everyday anyhow. You cooperate with banks. You cooperate with the accountants who bill you. You cooperate with their churches. You cooperate with the dictaes of their schools. So you may as well cooperate in a system while you are at it, that serves you too. Imagine a system set up for the well being of you and your family? Not a system that forces you to compete against everyone else to win your bread money?

You are not happy. Ok maybe you have the odd laugh and the odd good day but over all you are not happy. You are bored and getting old and turning on the same face of the dime as always. You are a number and you know you are a number. Don’t attack me over it. I see it all etched on your faces. We are not a happy society. Scream it out at someone. We are a false,lazy, boring, cheap society. That’s a fact.

The land is ours. We don’t need tp farm flowers and diamonds. We should just farm the world for what we need in relation our health, both physicall and ontologically. We should farm our minds until they operate as standard. Start talking it up big again. The truth comes in small steps. Stop moaning and change yourself from the inside before your kids grow up to become the same empty.

i will write more later – peace and logic


Fragmented Armageddon – that’ an accurate account of what’ coming for the next fifty years. Forget all the fancy jargon that supports the world of economics – words such as externalities, lassie-fair, structural adjustments, bull markets, red lining, and so on. Lets get right into the essence of it –


Ships need fuel – fuel is running out – the cost of producing fuel is costing fuel – pensions connected to the ships bringing in the food – food production sky rocketing – fuel to produce food – food to feed the slave workers – workers on slave wages rising up – fuel to keep them down – poverty fueling anger – anger fueling rage – ships sitting in docks – dock workers on strike – strikes all over the globe – bonds connected to ships bringing in grain – grain rotting in huge warehouses – land controlled by the elite few – property boom gone bust – bonds connected to property value – money loaned on the strength of property boom – negative equity – pensions collapsing – families collapsing – small business’ going broke – more folk out of jobs – more loan defaults – bonds connected to loans being paid off – bonds created on the back of money loaned – money loaned on the back of equity – What the fuck am I talking about? What the fuck are they talking about – I can’t make it make sense because it makes no sense.


That’ the bottom line – there is no foundation – I’ve sang this point a million times – castle in the fucking sand suckers – obviously a pointless proverb –

the world bank connected to the pentagon – the pentagon connected to the WTO – The WTO connected to the white house – the white house connected to the business elite – the business elite connected to their own pockets -What are you connected to? Who are you connected to?


Fragmented Armageddon – clusters bombs connected to the business elite- Weapons of mass destruction connected to the business elite – Is this making sense? Can you make sense of it? Can you lay it on the line right now for ll of us? Chaos is coming folks and guess what, the anarchists are not bringing it. ha ha.


Collapse is coming folks – its an axiomatic fact – the tree is falling – time to shift the paradigm – time for equality and love and sharing the worlds resources – enough lies – Human beings connected to the eco-systems of this beautiful planet – that makes sense – You connected to me – me connected to you – that makes sense –


Im betting you just want back to your shoe shopping – peace and logic